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Ovaj mjesec: 1187
Ovaj tjedan: 1791
Danas: 148
Engleski jezik - urednik Ines Begić

Breathe freedom

Our students' thoughts on freedom, equality and racism


"In fact, every written and unwritten code of conduct is attempting to put us on the straight and narrow. Yet that still feels like freedom to us. We are in straitjackets, and we don’t even realise it. Merrily going along thinking we are actually free. Whilst actually we are practically walking a tightrope and we never know when we shall fall in the deep abyss right below us." - Martina Peitl, 8.c

"Freedom is a way of life that we have to cultivate with great effort, if we really want it. Freedom is an attitude. Freedom is faith in ourselves. Freedom is not judging everyone we meet. Freedom is a commitment. Freedom is not living in fear. Freedom is a reward for living a life filled with courage. The courage to have that right attitude, courage to have faith in ourselves and the people we love, the courage to deliver on our commitments, the courage to get up every time we get knocked down. The courage to live a life free of fear." - Martina Peitl, 8.c



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